Posted in Neither Here nor There

A New Start for a New Year

Happy 2018, everybody! From breaking bad habits, to starting good ones, from making new goals, to recommitting to goals that you have let yourself lapse on, a new year means a chance for change, and I intend to take full advantage of the opportunity. There is a lot of fat in my life (literally and figuratively) that I am cutting out, and a lot of good that I intend to bring in. The road is sure to be bumpy, but I am excited to take the wheel and get started!

Before I go into the changes I intend to make, I’d like to recognize my husband for successfully completing a goal that he made last January first, which is (drum roll please) he went for an entire year without eating red meat! Congratulations! It wasn’t always easy, but he took it all in stride and came out the other side feeling accomplished and stronger willed than ever before. I am so proud of you, love!

In the past I’ve made it a rule that I don’t make New Year’s resolutions, primarily because it is super depressing when I fall short, and I mostly lack the confidence to believe I can make it happen. However, bolstered by my husband’s success, I’ve decided to give it another go, starting with resuming my blog here. I know I’ve been away for more than two months (more on that in another post, I promise,) but it’s time I come back, and recommit to keeping up this blog. From here on I solemnly swear that I will write at least once a week, and post it here.

In that same vein, I am making a promise to myself that every day I will do something creative. If that means scribbling nonsense on my iPad, that’s what I’ll do. If I’m feeling particularly uninspired and All I can muster is taking high resolution pictures of the inside of my shoe, I’ll do that, but everyday I will do something that stretches my imagination, and hopefully makes me happy.

I’m also joining my husband in one of his goals, no fast food for the year. We cheated a little so that he could have a hamburger at midnight, but that’s it. We are not going to eat anything that you can get through a drive through window for a whole year.

I will also be quitting my job and looking for something that actually makes me happy. I’ll go into the reasons I’ve been unhappy at my job in another post, but for now I’ll just say that it wasn’t the company that I worked for, it wasn’t the people I worked with, and it wasn’t even the job itself. The reason I’m leaving is all me, and although it’s taken me some time to come to this conclusion, I am certain that it is the right one for me, and I will not be looking for another job in the field of telecommunication.

Finally I am committing to take better care of myself. From exercise to hygiene, I plan to always be at the top of my game. To succeed at this I have created/borrowed two mantras: I am worth taking care of, and less time now means more time later. Let’s face it, if I am worthless to myself, how can anyone else find me worthy, and if I don’t take the time to take care of myself I’ll burn out, and I won’t be able to do the things that I love.

My husband has dubbed this year “Project Happy,” so by the end of the year, if all goes well, we will be!


Hi, my name is Jen, and I am a bisexual, bipolar thirty something woman, with OCD and SAD. I love to write, draw, and take pictures. I also have a passion for how the human mind works, and I love studying the effects our biology and environment have on our psychological makeup.

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